About Priya


About Priya

Priya is a serial entrepreneur with a flair for gab and loves talking about topics she’s passionate about. She is currently writing a science fiction novel, once applied to be an astronaut with NASA, ran a couple of marathons, broke the NY state dead lift record when she was 17 and her goal is to create as many ripples as possible!

Priya’s brain is her most powerful asset. She loves creating and manifesting new ideas, whether it’s a game changer or a new marketing move. When the wheels start turning watch out!

One big aspect of what Priya puts her “brains” on is her commitment and loyalty to the projects. The longest company she has owned started in 2003, Blue Box Media, a video production company based in NYC. She has appeared on cut throat cooking competition Stove Tots, produced by the creators of Dance Moms, for the FYI Channel, including other appearances on The Chew with her family. Priya is an alumna of Syracuse University, married with 3 children and loves wine!


Moms Pump Here –  (2012 –  ) The first online GPS resource and App helping moms find, rate and share nursing room locations to breastfeed and breast pump. Creates by moms for moms, the App houses close to 4,000 locations all over the world! SEARCH LOCATIONS HERE

The EDGE Charitable Foundation – (2007-2022), The EDGE was a humanitarian organization, based in Miami, Florida, which helped children while empowering youth worldwide. We impacted thousands of children around the world.